Connor Hicks

Travel, Astro, Landscape & Urban Photographer

Cliffhanger Church, Belgium

Cliffhanger Church was built between 1913 and 1931 and has unfortunately been disused since 2010.

This was the first stop on the second day of an amazing tour of Europe.

After making our way into the building we were greeted with the ‘WOW’ factor! We were all stunned at how beautiful this place was, and by the sheer size of it!
We started to take photos, and kept finding new things around every corner!belgium urbex cliffhanger church cliffhanger church belgium urbex rear cliffhanger church hidden chapel urbex belgium cliffhanger church roof urbex belgium cliffhanger church urbex belgium Cliffhanger church urbex belgium cliffhanger church urbex group shot cliffhanger church urbex organ Cliffhanger Belgium Church Urbex church cliffhanger belgium urbex Cliffhanger Church, Belgium cliffhanger church urbex belgium
This beautiful church had so many hidden gems.
After what seemed like half an hour we’d soon realised that 3 hours had passed!
This was definitely the urbex highlight of the #SweatyDabTour.



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